

发表于:2024-04-28 作者:MOA人才网编辑
编辑最后更新 2024年04月28日,上海人事考试网快讯:复旦大学创建于1905年,是中国人自主创办的第一所高等院校。历经110多载,复旦大学已发展为一所拥有人文社科和理工医艺等11个学科门类的国内一流、国际知名的综合性研究型大学。 在泛
上海人事考试网快讯:复旦大学创建于1905年,是中国人自主创办的第一所高等院校。历经110多载,复旦大学已发展为一所拥有人文社科和理工医艺等11个学科门类的国内一流、国际知名的综合性研究型大学。   在泛海集团的支持之下,复旦大学日前已正式批准筹建复旦-泛海国际金融学院(以下简称国金学院),并计划将该学院作为复旦创新型学院建设的示范。复旦-泛海国际金融学院将按世界一流水准办学,旨在汇聚国际一流师资,推动高端金融人才培养和高层次科学与政策研究,致力于打造具有国际重要影响力的一流金融学院和顶尖金融智库。   复旦大学现面向全球招聘学术造诣高、国际视野宽、组织领导能力强的学术领军人才担任复旦-泛海国际金融学院行政领导。计划招聘院长1名、执行院长1名、副院长2名(教学副院长、科研副院长)。   一、岗位职责:   (一)院长   1、全面负责筹建国金学院及制定国金学院的未来发展总体目标与战略;   2、负责制定国金学院的学科建设、人才培养、队伍建设、科学研究等工作目标;   3、组织和引进国金学院的骨干教师,建设有国际竞争力的教学队伍;   4、推动和提高学院的学术地位和国际影响力,促进国际交流与合作。   (二)执行院长   1、全面主持学院学科建设、人才培养、队伍建设、科学研究、行政、财务等工作,实现学院发展目标;   2、协助组织和引进国金学院的骨干教师,建设有国际竞争力的教学队伍;   3、推动和提高学院的学术地位和国际影响力,促进国际交流与合作。   (三)教学副院长   协助院长、执行院长做好招生、人才培养和教学等方面的分管任务。具体如下:   1、负责制定学院的人才培养计划、招生计划及具体实施方案,并负责招生工作的组织管理;   2、负责制定学院的教学计划及具体实施方案,并负责日常教学的组织管理;   3、组织学院教学指导相关委员会工作,负责组织教师的教学评估考核等工作。   (四)科研副院长   协助院长、执行院长做好科研、学科建设等方面的分管任务。具体如下:   1、负责制定学院的科研规划、科研政策及具体实施方案,并负责课题组织管理、成果汇总等日常科研管理工作;   2、负责制定学院科研人员的培养计划,负责组织科研人员的业务培养及科研能力考核;   3、负责制定学院的学科建设规划及具体实施方案,并组织学科建设相关项目的实施。   4、分管学院的外事和对外宣传工作。   二、应聘条件:   (一)院长   1、在学科领域具有重要学术影响和较高知名度。具有博士学位、担任一流高校教授职务,在国际一流学术期刊上有出色的发表记录;   2、熟悉高等教育规律,了解国内外高等教育情况,有丰富的管理经验、良好的组织协调能力和卓越的对外沟通能力,曾在国际一流商学院或国内顶尖商学院担任过领导职务者优先;   3、有国际教育背景、国际化的学术视野和引领本学科领域发展的思路,对全球和中国商学院的现状和未来发展趋势有深入和全面的理解;   4、具有良好的个人品质、身体素质、职业道德、创新意识和团队精神,遵纪守法,热爱高等教育事业,愿意服务于复旦大学"双一流"建设事业;   5、年龄不超过55周岁,特别优秀者可适当放宽;   6、聘期内每年工作时间不少于六个月(全职者优先)。   (二)执行院长、副院长   1、具有优秀的国际化学术背景,具有相关学科博士学位;   2、在金融相关领域学术造诣深厚,在国际经济金融类顶级期刊有优秀的发表记录,并在国内外著名大学已获得教授职务(或国外著名高校担任终身系列的副教授);   3、具有宽广的国际化办学视野,具有较强的管理、组织、协调和对外交往能力,有团队合作精神;   4、具有丰富的国内外学术和教育机构管理经验者优先考虑;   5、具有良好的个人品质、身体素质、职业道德,遵纪守法,热爱高等教育事业,愿意服务于复旦大学"双一流"建设事业;   6、年龄不超过55周岁;   7、聘期内应全职在校工作。   三、聘任期限和聘任待遇:   每届聘期四年,到期后根据评估结果、经双方商议决定是否续聘,连续任职不得超过两届。并作为学校引进人才担任教授职务,聘用合同可签订至法定退休年龄。   提供具有国际和同行业竞争力的薪酬和福利待遇,具体待遇面议;充分享受各级政府和学校各类从优政策,学院提供高效的行政服务。   四、应聘者请提供材料:   1、个人简历(附详细学术发表记录);   2、3名可供咨询的学者名单。   五、联系人及联系方式:   人事处联系人:朱浩 文婕   联系电话: +86 21 55664593 65654795   传真: +86 21 65103059   信箱,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位)   Fudan University seeking dean, executive dean, and associate deans of Fudan-Oceanwide International School of Finance   The first institution of higher education that Chinese took the initiative to set up, Fudan University has, over the 110 years' history since its establishment in 1905, grown into a top comprehensive research university in China with 11 disciplines in humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, medicine and art.   With the support from China Oceanwide Holdings Group, Fudan University has decided to set up Fudan-Oceanwide International School of Finance (FOISF), which will serve as ashowcase for the establishment of innovative schools at Fudan. Using the pattern of a world-class school, FOISF aims to become a top school and think tank of finance in the world that has the best faculty working on the education of high-end talents and state-of-the-art academic and policy research.   Fudan University is seeking candidates from all over the world for the administration posts at FOISF, namely, the dean, the executive dean, and two associate deans in charge of education and research respectively. Candidates will need to be an excellent academic with leadership skills and a global vision.   1. Job responsibilities will include   1.1 Dean   1.1.1 Full charge of the establishment of FOISF, and formulation of FOISF's mission and strategy;   1.1.2 Formulation of FOISF's working goals in terms of academic disciplines, education, faculty recruitment, and research;   1.1.3 Recruitment of core faculty to build an internationally competitive faculty team;   1.1.4 Promotion of FOISF's academic standing, global reach and international exchange.   1.2 Executive Dean   1.2.1 Full charge of FOISF's operations relating to academic disciplines, education, faculty recruitment, research, and administration, with the aim to meeting FOISF's goals;   1.2.2 Coordination in recruiting and managing core faculty to build an   internationally competitive faculty team;   1.2.3 Promotion of FOISF's academic standing, global reach and international exchange.   1.3 Associate Dean in Charge of Education   The associate dean will focus on admissions, courses and programs. The   responsibilities will include:   1.3.1 Design and implementation of the programs, and the admission plan, and organization and management of the admission process;   1.3.2 Organization and management of the school's teaching activities;   1.3.3 Charge of the guiding committee of teaching activities and the evaluation of the faculty's teaching performance.   1.4 Associate Dean in Charge of Research   The associate dean will be in charge of research and growth of the academic disciplines at the school. The responsibilities will include:   1.4.1 Formulation and implementation of the school's research plan and policy, and daily research administration such as the organization and management of research projects, and record-keeping of research achievements;   1.4.2 Formulation of faculty development plan, organization of faculty training and development programs, and evaluation of faculty's research skills;   1.4.3 Formulation and implementation of the school's plan for growing its academic discilines;   1.4.4 International relations and publicity of the school.   2. To be specific, successful candidates will possess   2.1 Dean   2.1.1 Significant academic influence, a PhD degree, full professorhip at a top university, excellent publications in top international journals;   2.1.2 Familiarity with domestic and foreign higher education, rich management experience, outstanding organization, coordination and communication skills. Candidates with leadership expereience at international or domestic top business schools will be preferred.   2.1.3 International educational background, global academic vision, plans on how to develop the particular academic field, deep and complehensive understanding of the status quo and future trends of domestic and international business schools;   2.1.4 Excellence in personal character, phycical condition, professional integrity, sense of innovation, teamwork spirit, law and regulation compliance, devotion to higher education and Fudan University's cause to grow into a top international university;   2.1.5 Willingness to work at least six months a year at Fudan on a full-time basis (Candidates willing to work 12 months full time will be preferred).   2.2 Executive Dean and Associate Deans   2.2.1 Excellent international academic background, and a PhD in related subjects;   2.2.2 Expertise in finance-related areas, outstanding publications in top international journals of finance or economics, full professorship at a famous domestic or foreign university (or tenured associate professorship at a famous foreign university);   2.2.3 Global education vision, excellent manangement, organization, coordination and communication skills, and teamwork spirit;   2.2.4 Candidates with rich management experience at domestic or foreign academic and educational insitutions will be preferred;   2.2.5 Excellence in personal character, physical condition, professional integrity, law and regulation compliance, devotion to higher education and Fudan's cause to grow into a top interntional university;   2.2.6 Commitment to full time work at Fudan university.   3. Term of employment and salary   One term will be four years and an individual can serve two successive terms at most upon satisfying evaluation of performance during the first term. Employment contract for professorship at Fudan University will be valid till the statutory retirement age.   The salary and benefits will be no less than those offered by a similar position around the world. The details will be discussed in person. All relevant preferential policies of the government and the university will be applied, and efficient administration staff will be in place.   4. Candidates are expected to submit the following application documents:   4.1 A CV with a detailed list of publications;   4.2 A list of three references.   5. Contact   Mr.Hao ZHU, Mrs. Jie WEN(Personnel Division)   Tel:+86 21 55664593 65654795   Fax:+86 21 65103059   Email:,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名)