
华中农业大学“外专千人”Boulos Chalhoub教授团队招聘科研助理启事

发表于:2024-04-28 作者:MOA人才网编辑
编辑最后更新 2024年04月28日,湖北人事考试网快讯:BoulosChalhoub,教授,博士生导师,国家"外专千人计划"入选者,国际知名专家,主要从事多倍体基因组与进化研究,近年来作为通讯作者在Science、PlantCell、P
湖北人事考试网快讯:BoulosChalhoub,教授,博士生导师,国家"外专千人计划"入选者,国际知名专家,主要从事多倍体基因组与进化研究,近年来作为通讯作者在Science、PlantCell、PlantJournal等国际主流学术杂志发表文章多篇。近期,该团队将全职加盟华中农业大学植物科学技术学院、作物遗传改良国家重点实验室开展研究工作,主要以芸薹属多倍体作物为主要研究对象,运用遗传学、基因组学、生物信息学、系统生物学所涉及的多种研究手段,分析多倍体基因组的结构与进化。因团队发展需要,拟招聘能流畅应用中英文进行交流的科研助理,主要工作为协助BoulosChalhoub教授从事实验室日常维护管理、科研项目管理以及其他管理服务工作。 一、招聘条件 原则上要求硕士学历(条件优秀者可放宽至本科,包含2017年6月的毕业生),具有较好的英语口语表达与写作能力,具有较好的沟通能力与团队协作精神,具有植物学、遗传学及分子生物学背景,具有农学、生物学或计算机科学学位,以及具有英语双学位者优先。 应聘者需要发送的资料包括: (1)个人英文简历 (2)工作计划(英文,不超过一页); (3)个人主要的研究经历和研究成果(英文); (4)3位推荐人的详细联系方式(英文,包括电话,邮箱等信息)。 应聘者预期能在2017年2月份上岗工作(本校应届毕业生可以在毕业前半职工作)。 二、相关待遇 工资待遇根据应聘者个人条件面谈确定。硕士应聘者(含2017年6月的毕业生),月薪不低于3600元;学士应聘者(含2017年6月的毕业生),月薪不低于2800元;此外,课题组将按学校规定为科研助理缴纳保险。 奖金:将按照工作业绩在一定额度内浮动。 三、联系方式 有意向申请者,请在2016年12月15日前递交申请材料。 联系人:BoulosChalhoub教授 联系电话:(027)87288183 电子邮件; 四、学校介绍 华中农业大学是中华人民共和国教育部直属的全国重点大学,坐落于中国中部最大的城市和交通枢纽湖北省武汉市,是国家"211工程"、"985工程"优势学科创新平台的重点建设院校,其办学源头溯源于1898年清朝光绪年间湖广总督张之洞创办的湖北农务学堂,拥有117年的悠久历史。学校在2008年和2011荣获全国文明单位,并在由国家教育研究所排出的最新高等教育绩效评估的72所大学中排名11位,是武汉顶尖大学之一。详细信息,请点击: Position for research assistant in Boulos Chalhoub group The new emerging and well active group of Professor Boulos Chalhoub (1000 talent foreign expert) being set up at the National Key Lab of Crop Genetic Improvement, College of Plant Science & Technology, Huazhang Agriculture University (HZAU) (Wuhan, Hubei province, China) is seeking research assistant that is fluent in Chinese and English to assist research group in research projects, and lab administration. The research group will be mainly work on Brassica and other polyploid crops as the main research objects, using genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology involves a variety of research methods, analyze the structure and evolution of polyploid genomes. The applicant must have a master degree (or equivalent, outstanding applicants with bachelor degree is also acceptable) including who will graduate in June, 2017, preferencially in biological science and speak and write fluently English and Chinese. Have good communication skills and team work spirit. Applicants should send: (1) a curriculum vitae (in English); (2) a statement of work plans (not to exceed 1pages); (3) a statement describing important contributions; and (4) a list of three references (with telephone numbers and email addresses). Expected start date February 2017. Remuneration Package The salary for applicant with Master degree (including who will graduate in June, 2017) will be no less than 3600 RMB per month; as for applicant with Bachelor degree (including who will graduate in June, 2017), no less than 2800 RMB; the research group will pay insurance for scientific research assistant as well. More details could be discussed via interview for both sides and the salary would be judged according to the quantification of the applicant. Bonus: there will be fluctuations within a certain amount according to working performance. The emails for contact:; Telephone: 027 8728 8183 Introduction of the University: Located in Wuhan, the biggest city and transportation hub of Central China, Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) is a national key university of "Project 211" directly under the Ministry of Education. With a history tracing back to Hubei Farming School founded in 1898 by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei and Hunan province, HZAU enjoys a history of 117 years. The university was entitled National Civilized Unit in 2008 and 2011, and was ranked 11th in the nation among the 72 MOE universities in the latest Performance Appraisal in Higher Education by China's MOE National Institute for Education Research, and is one of the top universities in Wuhan. For more information, please visit: